PARADE'S END premieres on BBC Two

BBC and HBO drama PARADE'S END premieres on BBC Two at 9pm, Friday 24th August.

Adapted by Tom Stoppard from the novels by Ford Madox Ford and directed by Susanna White. This flagship five-part drama stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Rebecca Hall, with an supporting cast including Anna Maguire, Elliot Levey and Jonathan Coy.


“The five hour-long episodes are strikingly filmed by the director Susanna White (Bleak House, Generation Kill), with nods to such modernist art movements as Vorticism and Cubism.” - The Independent


"Tom Stoppard's adaptation of Ford Madox Ford's quartet of novels is a beautifully dressed, intelligently photographed, delicately scripted period piece." - The Observer


"The photography, Tom Stoppard's script and the leads' performances are all gripping." - The Guardian


“With a script by Tom Stoppard, you’d expect delicious dialogue, and we get it... and nostalgia, but Stoppard marshals it all into a gorgeous package.” - Radio Times

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