Kate Saunders

On Friday 21st April, novelist, author and critic Kate Saunders sadly passed away at her home in London.

Kate initially worked as an actor before going on to write more than 20 novels for adults and children, winning the Betty Trask prize for her first novel, THE PRODIGAL FATHER (1986) and the 2014 Costa children’s book award for FIVE CHILDREN ON THE WESTERN FRONT.


She leaves behind her siblings, Etta, Louisa, Ed and Charlotte, numerous friends and a legion of fans.


From the Guardian’s obituary written by close friend, Amanda Craig:


Sipping champagne at home with her friends after receiving the last rites, she died as she had lived, with courage, grace and style.


From her agents Caradoc King & Millie Hoskins:

Kate was one of, or possibly, the bravest, funniest, cleverest and most delightful authors we have represented. She had an unerring instinct for the thoughts and words of children in her writing. She was also deliciously sharp but kindly as a chronicler of the modern adult world. She will be deeply missed by so many but we hope that the magic and wisdom of her character will continue to be enjoyed through her books.

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