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The first episode of BOAT STORY aired on BBC 1 last night. The series follows two down-on-their-luck strangers who stumble across bags of cocaine on a shipwrecked boat. After deciding to keep, sell, and split the cash, the pair find themselves entangled with the dangerous true owners...

With 5...

Heads Of Department
Film, TV & Theatre
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Nick Hern Books just released Running the Room: Conversations with Women Theatre Directors, which features insights from talented directors like Carrie Cracknell , Natalie Abrahami , and Nadia Fall .

Our most brilliant, fearless, and creative women directors open the door on their craft, discussing their work in the...


Huge congrats to our DOP Si Bell BSC for being shortlisted in the TV Series - Drama Competition for The Woman in the Wall and having one his episodes 'Back to Life' screened at the EnergaCAMERAIMAGE International Film Festival 2023 to an excited audience.

Film, TV & Theatre
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The David Cohen Prize, a biennial British literary award for a body of work worth £40,000, has been awarded to poet, novelist and memoirist John Burnside.
