Jonathan Lunn


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Film, TV & Theatre

Assistant: Valli Dakshinamurthi

Film, TV & Theatre

Jonathan Lunn works internationally as a director and choreographer in opera, theatre, dance and film.

Recent work includes Alice, a new full-length ballet with a score by Philip Glass, for Opera National du Rhin, Strasbourg;  Teen Spirit, a feature film directed by Max Minghella, and Madame Butterfly and Platee (Landestheater Niederbayern).  All co-directed and/or co-choreographed with Amir Hosseinpour. 

Other credits include: as director: La Damnation de Faust, Tosca, Cherubin, Otello, Giulio Cesare, Orpheus in the Underworld, Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Dardanus, as choreographer Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, Cinderella, Spamalot (Landestheater Niederbayern); as choreographer: Deidamia, Tannhäuser, Ercole Amante, Les Troyens (Nederlandse Opera); Bomarzo (Teatro Real Madrid); Samson et Dalila (Geneva); Aida (ENO, Houston, San Francisco); Don Giovanni, The Gondoliers, Agrippina (ENO), Falstaff (ENO/Opera North); Tannhäuser (Baden-Baden); The Queen of Spades (La Scala); The Rake’s Progress, Xerxes, Tito, Acis and Galatea, Dido and Aeneas (Munich); Ballo in maschera (Vilnius); Don Pasquale (Maastricht); Macbeth (Paris); Idomeneo (Bonn). Theatre work: The Gondoliers, The Water Babies (Chichester); Dona Rosita (Almeida); Pericles (RNT; Olivier Award Nomination: Best Choreographer). His own dance productions include: Reading Room (2008 UK Tour), Modern Living (1993 Time Out Dance Award), Removed from the Palace and Storyboard.

He spent ten years with London Contemporary Dance Theatre as a dancer, choreographer and Associate Director, performing worldwide, including the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and the 1998 Olympics in Seoul. For LCDT he created Olivier Award Nominated Shift and Hang Up - his first collaboration with Anthony Minghella. They also worked together on the film Mosaic. Other film work includes Amahl and the Night Visitors and Love Actually.