MONKEY BARS swings into the Unicorn

Chris Goode’s Fringe First-winning verbatim play transfers to the Unicorn Theatre this week following its successful and acclaimed run at the Traverse at this year’s Edinburgh Festival.

Taking extracts of interviews Chris held with over 70 six to eleven year olds, their hopes, fears and observations on the world are spoken by an adult cast, creating a disorientating yet strangely enlightening effect.

The show features the set design work of Naomi Dawson and lighting designs by Colin Grenfell.

Edinburgh reviews
It’s an eye-opening, refreshing pleasure... Warmly recommended.
Independent *****

Translated into adult situations, the words of children take on a new gravity, but also highlight the absurdities of the adult world.
Guardian ****

It plays in the Clore Studio at the Unicorn Theatre until Sunday 30th September and tickets can be bought here.

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