Variety: The 21 Most-Anticipated British TV Shows Coming in 2023

In Variety’s latest article, they revealed the 21 Most-Anticipated British TV Shows Coming in 2023. Here are the shows listed which include UA clients:


Heartstopper - Starring Olivia ColmanJenny Walser, Bradley Riches, Nima Taleghani and Jack Barton, with Intimacy Coordinator David Thackeray and Editor Sofie Alonzi

The Killing Kind - Based on Jane Casey's novel, Co-adapted by Zara Hayes who serves as lead Director, with Zara and Jane also Exec Producing

Dreamland - Starring Lily Allen, Nigel Planer and Gabby Best, who also wrote the series

The Rig - Starring Molly Vevers, Emun Elliott and Nikhil Parmar, with Director of Photography John Lee BSC and Episodes 1-3 Edited by Andrew McClelland

Everyone Else Burns - Starring Lloyd GriffithLiam Williams and Seb Cardinal

Great Expectations - Starring Olivia Colman, written by Steven Knight 

Funny Woman - Starring Tom Bateman, Clare-Hope Ashitey and Rosa Coduri

Best Interests - Starring Sharon Horgan and Esther Hall, Directed and Executive Produced by Michael Keillor

Extraordinary - Casting by Crowley Poole, with Production Designer Melanie Allen

The Burning Girls - Starring David Dawson

The Power - Starring Heather AgyepongEilidh Fisher and Zrinka Cvitesic, with Director of Photography Ollie Downey, Hair & Make-Up Designer Vickie Lang and Supervising Editor Johnny Rayner

The Full Monty - Choreographer Sammy Murray

Outlander - Starring Sam Heughan, Rod Hallett and Barry O’Connor

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story - Starring Hugh SachsRyan Gage and Neil Edmond

Hijack - Starring Alexis Zegerman, Co-created and Directed by (first and third block) Jim Field-Smith 

Stonehouse - Casting by Jill Trevellick

Nolly - Starring Lloyd Griffith


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