Created and written by bestselling author and screenwriter Anthony Horowitz and features costume design by Matt Price and hair and make up by Jenna Wrage, New Blood premieres on the BBC iPlayer on 2nd June and on BBC1 on Thursday 9th June at 9pm.

A bold and surprising seven part investigative drama, New Blood sets out to show a unique side of modern London through the eyes of two outsiders, Stefan and Rash, junior investigators for the Serious Fraud Office and the police respectively, brought together by two seemingly unrelated cases.  New Blood will see Stefan and Rash come up against the uber-rich and powerful: corporations, individuals, governments and the new breed of criminals who hide behind legitimate facades and are guarded by lawyers.  As their friendship is cemented across the series, they come to understand that by quietly pooling resources and combining their different skills, they make a formidable crime-solving force.

Watch the first 3 episodes on the iPlayer here

Watch the trailer:



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