Amrou Al-Kadhi's nuanced and sensitive debut feature LAYLA has had its world premiere at Sundance Film Festival. Written and directed by Amrou, LAYLA tells the story of a young non-binary British-Palestinian drag queen Layla (Bilal Hasna) who falls in love with a cisgender white gay man Max (Louis Greatorex)...
THE END WE START FROM is released in UK cinemas today. Written by the brilliant Alice Birch it is an incredibly moving adaptation of the novel of the same name by Megan Hunter and tells the story of a woman trying to find her way home with her newborn while...
The 38th ASC Awards Nominations have been announced!
Sam Chiplin has been nominated for ‘Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Limited or Anthology Series, or Motion Picture Made for Television’ for his work on The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart
A massive congratulations to him! The awards will...
We're excited to share that serveral UA clients have been selected for the Sundance Film Festival. This is fantastic news and we want to extend our warmest congratulations to all of them!
Layla - Written by and Directed by Amrou Al-Kadhi...
With 24 TV Shows on the Guardian's 'Must-See' List for 2024 featuring the involvement of a vast number of UA's Below-the-Line talent, we have a lot of good TV to be excited for this year! So, to ensure you do not miss out, here are the shows listed (and the...