ZAGAZOO, the Eaglet Films animated adaptation of Sir Quentin Blake's wonderful illustrated story, has won the Best Animated Short Film/Series at the International Thai Film Festival. This is just one of numerous awards scooped by Eaglet Films for their wider series, Quentin Blake's Box of Treasures, brought to UK screens...

Film, TV & Theatre
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Matty Long's Super Happy Magic Forest will air on CBBC and BBC iPlayer on Monday 7th October, featuring the voice talents of Spencer Jones, Rasmus Hardiker, and Michelle Asante.

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Based on the Sunday Times Top Ten book by novelist Sarah Moss , Channel 4 has commissioned Summerwater , a new six-part drama series from Channel 4’s Indie Growth Fund and Glasgow based production company Freedom Scripted, which has been adapted by screenwriter John Donnelly ( The Assessment, Utopia, The...

Books Blog
Film, TV & Theatre
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Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time (Bantam) notched up over five years on the Sunday Times charts, making it the newspaper’s top-ranked title in the past 50 years.

The late physicist’s classic tome hit the Sunday Times’ list for a record 264 weeks since first appearing in 1988,...

Books Blog

THE BEAST WITHIN has won L’Ecran Fantastique Award at Fantasia 2024.

After a series of strange events leads her to question her family's isolated life on a fortified compound deep in the English wilds, 10-year-old Willow follows her parents on one of their secret late-night treks...

Film, TV & Theatre

Narrated by Jessie Buckley , The Cable That Changed The World tells the riveting story of the first transatlantic cable being laid on the ocean floor.

Paired with historical reenactments and rare archive footage of the installation, this documentary brings to life the story of the cable that gapped...


ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA opens next week at Shakespeare’s Globe, in the debut of its unique bilingual adaptation – British Sign Language and English. Directed by our wonderful client Blanche McIntyre , the play stars Nadia Nadarajah as Cleopatra, who featured in this Sunday’s Observer discussing her experience as an actor...

Film, TV & Theatre

A new production of the much-loved modern classic Brassed Off opens at Scarborough’s Stephen Joseph Theatre this August.

In 1994, ten years after the miners' strike, the Grimley mining community fights to keep their colliery open while band leader Danny struggles to keep his brass band together. As uncertainty...

Film, TV & Theatre
TWJ and The Lollies

We are delighted to see so many United Agents clients appearing across two shortlists announced this week - The Week Junior Awards and the Lollies.


We are delighted to welcome the talented Florian Emmerich , to United Agents! Florian has worked on a wide range of exciting projects.

We are very excited to be joining him on the next step in his career and can't wait to see what he does next.

Heads Of Department
Film, TV & Theatre